jeudi 8 novembre 2007

Modern Medicines: New Perspectives in Pharmaceutical History

Modern Medicines: New Perspectives in Pharmaceutical History
October 17-18, 2008 Madison, WI
American Institute of the History of Pharmacy
-The evolution of the modern pharmaceutical enterprise over the long twentieth century—from its early intersection with the image and later the structure of scientific research, to its dramatic postwar expansion and late-century
saturation of medical and marketing media—has implications that stretch far beyond the traditional history of pharmacy and medicine to impact broader social, cultural, economic, business, legal, regulatory, and political developments. This conference seeks to foster and reflect on the growing body of pharmaceutical scholarship across historical disciplines and encourage novel theoretical and methodological developments by featuring newer scholars alongside more established figures in the field. Scholars are encouraged to submit a one-page proposal by 1 February 2008; some travel funds will be available for graduate students, and established scholars interested in
using the resources of the American Institute of the History of Pharmacy can apply for travel funds through the Sonnedecker Visiting Scholar Program of the UW-Madison School of Pharmacy (see for further information). AIHP Conference Planning Committee: Jeremy Greene, Dominique Tobbell, Arthur Daemmrich, Michael Flannery, Elaine Stroud, Greg Higby.

American Institute of the History of Pharmacy
777 Highland Ave. • Madison, WI • 53705
608.262-5378 •

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